A sum up of my journey in the gastronomic world
From my childhood in the South of France, I remember my grandmother’s pastries, especially her incredible crème caramel, for which I still cherish the memory.
I became interested in cooking quite early, liked to play with kitchen utensils, and since I lost my dad while I was still very young, I quickly started preparing meals for my family.
At the age of 15, I prepared my first banquets for family and friends.
Being a good student, I graduated with a scientific baccalaureate, but soon my interest in gastronomy became stronger. I decided to continue my studies in the field and graduated with a BTS, finishing as the top student in South-Western France.
My teachers were important mentors in my career choices, and thanks to their advice, I joined prestigious teams to start my career: the Relais de la Poste (2 Michelin stars) with Jean Coussau to start with, then the Waterside Inn (3 Michelin stars) in the UK with chef Michel Roux, where I confirmed my deep interest in pastry.
After graduating, I moved to Paris alone to join the team at the Carré des Feuillants (2 Michelin stars) with chef Alain Dutournier, and I soon became in charge of the pastry team.
Eager to deepen my knowledge of pastry, I then joined the prestigious team at the George V. A very large kitchen brigade, a perfectionist organization, incredible products! I learned to work on palace pastries, pure pastry; I stayed there for 7 years.
In 2011, I discovered the Japanese work culture by joining the team at the Valrhona School in Tokyo. I had incredible encounters, deepened my knowledge of chocolate, and learned how to teach.
The Valrhona School then offered me a pastry chef position in Brooklyn, where I moved, further broadening my perspective of the world and all the richness it can offer.
In 2018, I created my own consulting company, I have traveled the world participating in gastronomic events, giving demonstrations, teaching classes, and helping companies to open and strengthen their knowledge. Consulting for others makes me realize the variety of needs, and it is always with enthusiasm and passion for pastry that I share my knowledge and learn new things.

To know me better
Sharing my thoughts
For those who know me, I don't like to be called "Chef"... I often reply that my mum named me Nicolas, so you should call me that.
I love this job:
Because it allows sharing. We learn from each other all the time; there are no secrets or mysteries. Pastry is in constant evolution, and we all contribute to it in our own way, on our own scale.
For the passion that brings us together, regardless of our nationality, culture, or language. The love for good food and quality ingredients is universal.
For the opportunity to travel, discover new cultures, and absorb and transform those emotions into a dish, a bonbon, or an entremets.
Eating is a daily act, and if we can enjoy and appreciate it... contributing to that is my job.
For the technical side and the importance of gestures that take time to master... and that we never master completely. Even though I place great importance on technique, which is the foundation of any creation, I don’t consider myself a technician. I like to think that our job is primarily based on taste, emotion, and sharing. Technique is just a means to convey all of that, not the final goal. It’s like the alphabet and words, which are the structure of a sentence used to express an idea. Perfect technique is nothing without a bold taste, balanced textures, and a felt emotion with every spoonful—and vice versa, of course.
For the connection it provides. When I worked in restaurants or hotels, I always felt frustrated that I couldn’t see the final reaction of the person eating the dessert, nor receive their feedback. Now, being able to share and discuss a dessert with passionate people helps everyone grow.
A few more details: I speak fluent English and Japanese, with French as my mother tongue. I’ve participated in about 450 events (classes, demonstrations, hands-on training...) in these languages.
I am passionate about photography, especially portraits and food photography, because, like pastry, everything is about emotions and perspective... supported by technique.

Denise Jerez, Chocolatier
I had a training with Nicolas 4 years ago. The best chocolatier teacher!! He is attentive to all the detail and is an adorable person. I hope to have classes with him again.

Brett Roy, Chocolatier
I was fortunate enough to take a class with Nicolas in Tokyo and another in New York. He’s always been an inspiring, innovative, and knowledgeable craftsman. He’s always available to respond to inquiries and provide support to people dedicated to perusing their craft. Thank you Nicolas. I truly appreciate all that you do for our community.

Kimberley Vy, Pastry Chef
Nicolas is one of the most passionate and talented instructors I have had the pleasure of working with. During classes Nicolas will teach you invaluable skills while inspiring your creativity. He is always professional and is able to foster meaningful relationships between classmates all while keeping things fun and exciting!
Here are some of the brands and company I worked with or I am working with.

We work together
Here are different interview to get to know me better

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